
Geon-20 Photon Counting Module - Detects single photons (400-1000nm) with high count rates and customizable options by Qubitrium.
Geon-20 is a single photon counting module capable of detecting single photons over the wavelength range of 400 to 1000nm. Geon-20 is equipped with an improved circuit to offer a pulse height correction module to ensure high count rate with increased optical load on the active region. Qubitrium offers custom design options in terms of dark count, peak photon detection efficiency and afterpulsing probability to accommodate your needs.
Geon-20 Key Features
  • Photon detection efficiency at 780 nm: 55% typical
  • TTL Output
  • Temperature stabilized
  • Self-contained APD module with integrated electronics
  • Quantum communication
  • High throughput single photon experiments
  • Photon correlation spectroscopy
  • Optical range finding
  • Adaptive optics
  • Ultra-sensitive fluorescence